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MCHD Staff with Ms. Abby Clark after receiving a school vaccination

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Marshall County Health Department

Announces new Partnership with WV Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program

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Back to School Vaccination Clinics

Be sure your children have the vaccinations they need to start the 2024-2025 school year.

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Upcoming Events

Photo for Heartsaver & BLS CPR AED class
Heartsaver & BLS CPR AED class

August 13, 2024
8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Featured Events

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News, events, alerts and more to keep you connected.

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Marshall County Health Services

Doctor Icon

Onsite Testing

Marshall County Health Department offers a number of on-site tests to be conducted upon request

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Family Icon

Family Services

Marshall County Health Department offers family planning and immunization services to those elligible

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Medical Icon

Other Services

Marshall County residents are eligible to borrow medical equipment for a period of up to six months

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Marshall County Environmental Services

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Marshall County Health Department provides literature and permits to ensure your business abides by health regulations

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Residents Icon

For Residents

Marshall County Health Department offers information on home loan evaluations, septic information and much more

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Virus Icon

More Services

Marshall County Health Department provides info on natural disasters and emergencies such as flooding and viruses

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Featured News Block

Featured News

Photo for Boil Order - Glen Dale - Zitko Terrace and Julie Drive

Featured Partners Block

Our Partners

Marshall County Marshall County SchoolsWest Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster